The Directorate of Veterinary Services
Directorate of Veterinary Services
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Safeguarding human health through maintenance of high quality animal produce.

Directorate of Veterinary Services

Introducing online DVS services. Apply and pay for government approved veterinary services conveniently through your e Citizen account.


Access the Directorate of Veterinary Services services using your eCitizen account

About DVS

To safeguard animal and human health, improve animal welfare, increase animal resource productivity and ensure safe and high quality animals and their products to facilitate food security and domestic and international trade. 

Directorate of Veterinary Services

Online Services

Apply for our services and pay online. After completing the application print the resulting document and get what you need at ease.


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Ensuring self-sustenance in the economy through production of high quality produce from animals to bolster trade relations.

We aim to ensure both animal and human health are safeguarded. Through a focus on improving animal resource productivity and ensuring the safety and quality of animals and their products, fostering national food security and international trade.

Directorate of Veterinary Services